It has been a little over a year since I have written one of these blogs. I needed the time to process life’s setbacks. Many of you reading this have had your own trauma to work through so maybe you can relate. My mother passed away and left this huge gap in my story line. I had processed the trauma, but I had no idea how to process the loss of an abuser in my story. A smart, well thought out manipulator! My mother left me so confused as to whether it was love or some sick twisted hatred she had towards me. In the process of figuring out how to let go of the last little bit of family I knew well, my nuclear family found mold in our home. Those damn environmentals I always ramble on about having a huge impact on our overall health. Well that mold impacted my health in ways that were quite enlightening. This past year has not gone to waste! Our family did some major remodels to restructure our home in a way that suits our “do-it-yourself” lifestyle a little better. I have also completed courses at the Kharrisian Institute, The Global Healing Institute, enrolled and started a 4 month herbalism course through Nicole Apelian better known for her book, “The lost book of herbal remedies”, enrolled in a 4 month Ayurvedic nutrition course along with added breath work course, lastly I am enrolled in an in depth tapping program with Brittany Watkins. I am not one to boast the many podcasts I have been in, the summits or online conferences I have professionally spoken at, accomplishments I have gained as a health coach. I just do not need to sell myself to anyone. I have a confidence that does not require me to live through sparkling awards or trophy’s. They may impress you or others, but to me they are small milestones towards a constantly progressing movement called,”life.” I once lived even thrived off of others opinions of my exsistance. It is an unhealthy way to live and will only end in a distant relationship from within. Enough of the updates now let’s get to the meat of this blog.
As I took the time I needed to go through my own tribulations, I learned a lot from my own struggles and downfalls.
#1) Any of us can be knocked down at any time no matter how high up we have climbed! Never take this as a setback or failure. Sometimes life needs us to slow down to experience the lessons that need to be learned. Mold was not so kind to my ego or my body appearance. I gained weight, felt like crap, found out I was allergic to the type of mold with a possible gene mutation that compounds the mold issue even more. You want to know what I did not do?!!! Blame one of my previous diagnosis’ for my outcomes. That is a learned cop-out approach to life and will always keep you tied to your labeled disease. Taking responsibility for your health is actually figuring out why you are sick and dealing with the issues at hand. I felt fatigued, tired, not myself; all on top of the trauma of losing my mother. I felt burdened by what she had left behind. I felt overwhelmed that I was now an adult orphan. I know it was God’s way for me to lean into him even more than I had before, but nevertheless it was challenging for me.
#2) We all have the capability to get our shit together and get well from the tribulations that knocked us down. I am slowly climbing back to a healthier version of myself with all of the functional holistic knowledge I have. Most of the mold has been mitigated in our home. It is not a quick process when it is done right. The idea you have to throw everything inside the home away is silly and unrealistic! Ozone, wash with citrus, deep clean, remove the mold sources! Then clean up the body; this part takes time!!! I finally have more energy to help around the house. Next will be my daily practice of exercise, saunas, mineral salt baths, etc. Life is not a race to be won. At the end of the day we all end up recycled into this great earth in one way or another so why are we all rushing to our final destination? I am the living proof of overcoming!!! I share not a polished bullshit stone of my life, but the truth. The ups the downs, the raw this is me moments. Why do I share the uncomfortable “I am not perfect rather I am human” moments? Simply due to the fact that I want you all to see this can and is being done. Shed some light and hope to others that may have found themselves in similar situations. I do not want to profit off of your pain, but rather be a small part of your gains. I do not know what direction the wind will blow me next in life. I knew instinctually my body told me to take a break from health coaching, so I did!
#3) As I ended in number 2, listen to yourselves!!! That small often fragile voice inside of your head giving subtle directions in life is what I am talking about. This is the biggest gift you could ever give yourself in life. I believe that subtle voice is God speaking to me to live in his glory, but that is my opinion. All I know about that voice is the more I listen to it the better I feel, the more fulfilled I am life, the less stress I carry. Ignore the voice and face the consequences of your ignorance. I find when I listen to that voice it always effects more than myself in a positive way ultimately. Now I am not saying positive things always happen. I am saying the end result is goodness. Their are blessings in life with all that we do if we stop to see them.
#4) Your environment matters so much more than you all realize. This is not a quick I tested for this or that I am fine type of statement. The environment around you should become a living moving part of your daily practices! Clean water with proper filtration is a necessity in today’s world. Nope, fluoride or city treated water is not safe for any of us. Clean air in and around your home. Think of your house breathing with lungs. Healthy relationships with the people you share your space with. Emotional stress and toxicity is worse than any disease you could possibly get branded with! The stress is what is causing most if not ALL of it. The statement, “Stress kills” is beyond accurate! Coming home to a place that has a toxic environment with toxic emotional stressors will keep you exactly where you currently are or worse. This is not a dooms day post, it is a truth post. Some of you will not like hearing the truth. Those that want to stay in stagnation and decline, I pray you find the strength to face your demons. Those demons are making you and everyone around you sick. Abusive stressful relationships are not welcome in my space anymore. I cleanse my house with burning sage, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus. I allow unwanted energies to exit out of my home by leaving a space for them to exit open. I am kind when asking them to leave. My family is not perfect we fight, bicker, yell, cry, get angry, but we also love deeply. Our response to hurt feelings or uncommunicated hurts is a response that we work through as a family. I am not saying my home is a sanctuary that nothing bad happens here. I am saying I only allow healthy relationships through these doors. This protects my inner peace, my husbands, my children’s, our pets, our plants. The environment you surround yourself with is what will feed or deplete your soul.
#5) Your food matters!!! I will scream this til my last living breath and if I can scream from the grave I will still be shouting it from the soils below. What you eat becomes you. What you eat becomes you. What you eat becomes you. Healthy animals becomes you. Healthy water becomes you. Healthy plants becomes you. Healthy herbs becomes you. This goes for all of it, even your vices. Smoking becomes you; drinking alcohol becomes you; doing drugs becomes you(includes pharmacudicules); watching any form of tv becomes you…. I hope you get what I am laying down here! Everything you experience becomes you. This includes all of your senses: taste, sound, vision, touch, smell, intuition(our sixth sense). We now live in a world of overindulgence(especially the USA). Bigger cars, bigger houses, more food, more clothes, more jewelry, more excitement, more, more, more, and more!!!! With a blink, if all that you had was gone, and all that you had left with was you; how would that make you feel?
I always critically think in depth when it comes to these types of topics. The truth is I would mourn all of my accumulations, but then I would feel lighter. I would be okay with just having myself. I would start fresh with the thought, “God wanted me to start from scratch.” Devistation often looks like the worst scenario, but often times it is the best blessing we didn’t know we needed. I have had to rebuild myself more than once in my lifetime thus far so I speak from experience not wishful thinking. I started choosing to see the blessings in life over the disasters. I am still amazed at how much life can grow anywhere you least expect it.
In conclusion life is all about the blessings you get to be a part of. The trophy’s in life will all sit on a shelf one day collecting dust. The memories in sharing your life with someone making their existence a better experience cannot be placed on any shelf. It will however, always be the richest form of wealth you could ever accumulate. This type of wealth you can never lose in a flood, fire, tornado, hurricane, earthquake. This type of wealth you do not need to store in a locked box for safe keeping. This type of wealth does not come with a monthly bill due or stress. Understand that as life ebbs and flows, you get the great opportunity of choice in how you float through it. Most if not all of you reading this have experienced a disease of some sort. You have the choice to live in fear, live in the “poor me” mindset equivalent to the trophy collecting dust on a shelf. The other option is to start cleaning up your environment around you, inside of you, and to be grateful even exatatic that God has let you start from scratch. Your perception, your ability to experience God’s blessings, your mindset, your feeding positive thoughts is what more than anything else will get you out of the dumps of life. I use to be so focused on the “testing”, the protocols, the work so to speak. I forgot to just experience and live. I lost touch with the people around me I care the most for. Doing a Live on my Facebook page,”Quick Five With Hol!” instead of being with my family. Doing a TikTok instead of being with my family. Making another recipe instead of being with my family. Sure when you Google my name I pop up today, but I don’t need those dusty old trophy’s to stroke my ego anymore. I want to leave wealth to my loved ones. The wealth you can not deposit, you can not open, you can not see; the kind of wealth you can only feel.
Hopefully in reading this blog you take away the wealth of my knowledge and love I am providing to you all by giving you my minds time. You want to get your health back? This is the recipe now you have to make it. The part I personally struggled the absolute most with health coaching is I could not do the work for the client. We are all handed blueprints in life, but ultimately it is up to us to chose to build.