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Writer's pictureHolly Haag

My Lesions On The Brain Explained.

Updated: Jan 16, 2024

This article will explain why my families brain lesions landed us all a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. You see their is this thing called,"Cross-Reactivity." Our family has passed down the HLA-DQ8 Celiac gene. Sorry mom, but the mother is the one that passes this down typically. This means if you have it, your children should also be tested for it. Two out of my three children have the same Celiac gene.

If the gene gets expressed foods that are similar in structure can then be expressed in the same way the Celiac gene is expressed. In my families bodies, this means Celiac disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriatic Arthritis, mini strokes, and lastly Lupus. Cyrex labs has one of the best tests called, "Aray 4" that can test for this exact phemonemon. I took this test and found some of my staple foods were causing my body some serious harm! Sesame, eggs, all yeast(including nutritional), and lastly buckwheat a sudo-grain were my culprits. Why is this information important? These foods along side gluten are driving the disease process in my body.

The great news is when we eat the correct foods needed to rebuild and repair our bodies along side proper repair/draining sleep, we get a rebuilt body over time. I was literally snorting sesame oil up into my brain every night with the Ayurvedic practice of using Nasya oil before bed. For most people this practice would be safe with many added health benefits, but for me it was quite costly health wise. I can still utilize this sinus cavity moisturizing practice with using a different oil like olive oil instead. These cross reactive foods more than likely also share like proteins with your body like your thyroid, joints, stomach lining, myelin sheath, etc. This process is called, "Molicular Mimicry." This means the body is on fire and attacking anything that looks like these highly inflammatory structures known as Cross-Reactive foods everytime you eat them. Removing gluten is great if you are someone like me, but it just is not enough. Fixing leaky gut is great, but alone it is not enough. Your body is like a puzzle that needs to be carefully solved. My body was low on some key nutrients. My body was high in a "bad" bacteria called,"Strep." Killing that Strep causes what is known as," Scarlett Fever" from the die-off toxins, lucky me! My body was low in some major players called, " Key Stone Bacteria." Those Key Stones I was missing rebuild the stomach lining. Sorta important when you are trying to repair Leaky Gut, don't you think? You see the body is under a storm when you get the unfortunate diagnosis of an autoimmune disease. Do not over look Cross Reactive foods on your health journey, because they are causing the most damage to you. You might have had them every once in a while or daily. Poison does not always come with a warning or a label! Just ask my brain each time I put into practice my Nasya oil routine. It never burnt nor hurt me in an ouch kind of way. It did however, hurt my brain that does not have nerve ending to feel physical pain. A great metaphor is the smiling woman sitting with major depression. You do not see her pain, but on the inside she is suffering greatly.

       Lastly is some hidden allergies that drove my inflammation markers way up high! All of these greatly effected my bodies ability to put out the fires of my body. Over stressed and over taxed leaving my immune system begging for a white flag to wave. Hormones off? Well maybe all of the above is the driving force. Afterall, hormones are transporters of information. When they can not take the train to get to the proper station, they simply do not function properly. Fat is in fact the back-up system for proper hormone balancing. Make sense why you can not lose weight now?!!!

       In Conclusion, understand multiple reactions are happening all at once in your body. If cross-reactive foods are one of them, their is now a test for that. You do not need to mindlessly suffer when the answers are out there for you to explore. I am going to be straight forward with you now! The difference between me and most other people with autoimmunity is I actually explored/executed my options. I took major action and understood every egg, wheat, sesame, buckwheat, yeast was essentially my poison. Are you going to take action to find your poison? Ignoring it does not make it stop damaging your body!

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