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Leaky Gut?

Stomach Permeability also known as, "Leaky Gut" has become a huge problem across the globe. Leaky Gut is what I believe is the main driver for autoimmune diseases across the board. Three systematic issues are occurring all at the same time creating the perfect storm for autoimmune diseases. Leaky Gut is located at the Tight Junction of the small intestine. While it is normal for a small amount of opening to allow larger particles through, that is not what is happening here. Larger holes are being formed allowing larger particles through that should never be reaching the blood stream. Also viruses and bacteria's that should be annihilated in our stomach acid, are getting through due to the increasingly low stomach acid we all seem to have. The foods are being attacked by the ever so intelligent body now forming anti-bodies to foods we frequently consume. Now we have developed IGe response type allergies to our foods we love. Most symptoms will be directly linked to these IGe type of responses. Molecular Mimicry also plays a role here when it comes to autoimmune diseases. When the body attacks proteins that are similar to our tissues it can get overworked much like a computer crashing. When this occurs the body gets confused and attacks similar tissues of the body. Genetics play a role as to what weak links are found throughout the already stressed body. Gene expressions have now been expressed more than likely. Let's get into the three main issues occurring within the body to create this perfect storm.

Issue number one is too low of stomach acid. A valve that is suppose to close to contain this stomach acid stays open when the acid levels are too low causing acid reflux. Acid shoots up to the esophagus making us all believe we have too much acid. So our next move is to get some anti-acids to help reduce the already struggling acids levels; this is a mistake! The lack of stomach acid means bigger particles of food are getting through, parasites, bacteria, and viruses. We need to increase the stomach acid to fix the issues occurring. HCL, apple cider vinegar, and lemon water are all ways to increase the acids of the stomach.

Issue number two will be found in the pancreas. The pancreas makes the majority of our digestive enzymes that help us break down our foods. As we age the pancreas makes less of the digestive enzymes. Sugar consumption has heavy consequences to the pancreas and can create damage also effecting the production of our digestive enzymes. Reducing sugar intake, increasing digestive enzymes, and drinking plenty of water will help help repair this system. Drinking whole foods smoothies within a thirty minute period of time, is one of the best ways to increase your digestive enzymes. The food is broken down for you with a blender allowing all of the healing nutrients to coat the stomach lining so it can be absorbed. The majority of a whole foods smoothie is absorbed and used by the body. I prefer large amounts of vegetables with some fruit for taste, water, flaxseed for Omega 3 intake, and hemp seed for a complete protein.

Issue number three will be found along the intestinal wall, the mucosal lining. The mucosal lining thins as we age not to mention all of the damage we put it through. Processed foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners(all of them), stress, amongst many others culprits cause damage. While it is true the mucosal lining replenishes itself every four days, the damage underneath it might stay much longer. This ultimately contributes to the leaky gut issues with the Tight Junction. Gluten for example, can show damage for up to six months after a thumbnail size is consumed by someone sensitive to gluten. I would like to note, this is not a Celiac only issue. Gluten can be an entire article in itself of information. Just know that I just purchased a product by accident that not only had three different types of wheat in it, but also singularly listed gluten as an ingredient by itself. Finding the causes of mucosal lining damage while fixing the gut with healing properties such as, licorice root, slippery elm, and marshmallow root is key to reversing this issue.

Autoimmune diseases are at an all time high. Each year these numbers are going upward. So what has changed to cause all the increased disease rate? I'm going to tell you, it is more than one singular event.

Going way back to the 1800's with the release of Agent Orange amongst other herbicides and pesticides currently being used in today's world are one of the many causes. I watch on a regular basis my neighbors unknowingly soaking their gardens and lawns with these costly killers. The problem with my neighbors spraying this dangerous hazardous waste is that they get into my air, my water, and my land as well. My only recourse is to take what I know gets them out of my body, humic and fulvic acids.

Weight issues also at an alarming high and now doubted on commercials, Tiktoks, Singers, Actress's as normal. This has a lot to do with the next cause, altering our food supplies. I want to mention I am in no way saying not to love your body the way it is, I had to for years weighing in at three hundred twenty-nine pounds. Rather, what I am saying is it is not healthy to be at three hundred twenty-nine pounds that is simply the truth. Our foods have been modified even the claimed "Organic" foods. Fruits have been modified to be sweeter, wheat has been modified to have more gluten, and the list goes on. This has consequences I do not think the people responsible could have predicted. Imagine eating one sandwich with two pieces of bread for example along with an apple. Well in the 1940's that is exactly what you were eating, but today that is not what you are eating. Today you are eating two to three sandwiches worth of gluten and the same in sugars from that apple. We still need the same amount of food we did back in the 1940's just not with super gluten or extra sugared. This has driven a crisis we can not seem to escape other than the powers at hand trying to normalize the "Super Size Me" movement with their Ad campaigns. If they make the sick look normal, does it really make you feel better? I know I always wanted to be back to a normal weight. That extra weight was heavy in a lot if different ways: emotionally I felt depressed, physically I felt sluggish, and sore. Truth does hurt sometimes, but it also can "set us free" like the saying goes.

Lastly connected somewhat to the last cause, is packaged foods. Ever wonder why you can eat a potato chip that you made at home and not feel the need to eat a ton more? Then you buy that bag at the store that checks all the boxes: gluten free, olive oil, salt, potato, Non-GMO or Organic labeled. The only issue is you crave more to the point you will drive out of your way to buy a bag that is gone before you even drive home. Hidden ingredients and processing is responsible for this. Food in no way should be addictive, but yet it is in a big way! I now understand the notion to eat whole foods and not buy the packaged crap that it all seems to be in todays market. Flour is super easy to make yourself if that is what is needed. While I still do find myself using some packaged foods at times, are they really healthy? I know I am the girl with that bag of "healthy" potato chips that was so addicted to them until I realized I should not be. What else was in this bag, causing my chip runs to the store. It was not just me either, it was my husband and two young daughters. We were all addicted to what exactly? Potatoes, salt, olive oil or something hidden that was not listed. Many processed foods can put a certain amount of most ingredients without legally having to place it on the label. This is exactly why organizations like, "Gluten Free Watch Dog" have been popping up. Suppliers of these packaged foods are not listing all of the ingredients or they are as bold to claim "Gluten Free" to be only using gluten in the products anyways.

In conclusion check your stomach acid levels, increase your digestive enzymes, find the cause to remove and heal your leaky gut! Also help your body out by removing the unavoidable herbicides and pesticides with humic and fulvic acids.

Try avoiding GMO foods at all costs maybe even grow your own food at home. Try to eat whole food plant based as much as possible. Packaged foods are always a gamble. While I realize this information might have you feeling overwhelmed, it is necessary to provide the truth to you. This is the sad truth of todays world so as individuals lets change the future to a healthier one, please!

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