Inflammation is your bodies response to some form of stress in the body. I use the word stress for a reason. Emotional stress can also cause inflammation within the body. A wound is stress in the body. Inflammation has been given a bad rap sheet on many magazine headlines, news channels, medical channels, medical articles. Is inflammation really the "Bad Guy" here? Against popular public belief, I simply do not think it is bad.
So what exactly is this inflammation in the body. Per medical definition, "An immunological defense against injury, infection, or allergy, marked by increases in regional blood flow, immigration of white blood cells, and release of chemical toxins. Inflammation is one way the body uses to protect itself from invasion by foreign organisms and to repair wounds to tissue." by . I want to focus on the word, "defense" being used in this definition specifically. Inflammation is part of your bodies defense system. It's purpose is to aid in saving your life. The reason for the bad rap, chronic inflammation is getting blamed for doing what it is meant to do. I really do not like the feeling of being puffy or inflamed, but I love inflammation! Inflammations job is to aid in your defense and repair.
How do we lower this chronic inflammation you might be wondering? Well conventionally used medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Advil, Aspirin are some to name a few. These come with a list of side effects that I am certain I would not want to endure. Afterall, we are trying to help assist the inflammatory response to help repair the body not cause more damage. More natural approaches are always the go to in my family. So what are they you might be thinking? I am going to share.
Natural approach number one seems obvious to most people, which is eating a clean diet. A "Clean diet" refers to removing inflammatory foods such as fried foods, dairy, gluten, sugars, chemical laden foods, processed foods, lectin containing foods for autoimmune patients for a time being(nightshades), high omega 6 containing foods. Making sure you are drinking clean water that has been filtered at home. Most bottled waters are toxic under testing, so do a search on what those findings are. I personally use 3 methods of getting clean water: one is using a distiller, two is using reverse osmosis, and three is using a Berkey. I have heard Kagan's are good as well, but have never invested the hefty cost in trying one when there are much more affordable options available. What is entering your body always matters when trying to lower inflammation. One slip up can have dire consequences to your overall functioning and wellbeing.
Natural approach number two is taking some active approaches that have proven the test of time. 1/2 teaspoon of aluminum free baking soda in an eight ounce glass of filtered water on an empty stomach. Preferably as you wake up in the morning has proven to lower overall inflammation in the body. Drinking or eating your electrolytes also has proven to lower inflammation by hydrating the body at a cellular level. A mix of White Willow for pain reduction, Turmeric and/or Curcumin, Omega 3's from flaxseed along with algae or Spirulina, Ginger, Resveratrol, Sun Shine or infrared/near infrared light treatments for vitamin D production, Bromelain, Garlic, and last but not least Vitamin C from a good source(not from ascorbic acid).
Natural approach number three at lowering inflammation is simple breathing technics daily. Breath is not given enough credit in overall health. Yet we can not live without it. Adding plants inside your home such as a Snake plant to help clean your air. Adding air purifiers such as the well known Air Doctor to help aid in removing toxins in the enclosed home space. Changing filters regularly in your homes HVAC systems. Removing hazardous scents in the home such as air fresheners, perfumes for the body, scented lotions, toxic dishwasher and laundry soaps(these airol throughout the room), candles should only be burned outdoors, replacing toxic cleaners, and reframe from cooking with toxic oils.
Natural approach number four is grounding or earthing. This technique is one of my favorite ways to lower inflammation and probably one of the most effective. Grounding occurs when you touch your bare skin to the ground such as the soil. Grounding recharges electrons in the body lowering inflammation. A great article is found on called, "Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons." Studies have proven the impact of sitting under trees have some of the biggest impacts to overall health and impact from grounding. Simple grounding mats or sheets can also be made for inside the home using metal electrical tape wrapped around a base with an attached electrical wire then attached to a metal rod that is either placed in the outside ground or simply adding a cord that enters the lower part of the electrical outlet. Obviously doing the option that involves electricity should be done by someone with a background in electricity to avoid fire or injury. Also earthing mats are on the market for purchase at a steep price.
Lastly, natural approach number five Epsom salt baths. These baths not only relax the muscles and body, they drive magnesium into the skins tissues. Most people are deficient in magnesium to begin with so this is a sneaky way to get it in while lowering inflammation. I often feel lighter and refreshed after a long Epsom salt bath. While I discussed only five natural remedies to lower inflammation today, in reality their are many!
In conclusion, inflammation is not the bad guy trying to hurt your body like it is often touted to be. Instead it is trying to repair and protect your body. So the real question is, "What is preventing your body from healing?" Remember, there is always a key to every door and always a solution to every puzzle including yours.