Episode one of the "Hope In Healing" Circle Panel. Join us as we answer five hot questions we see asked often! 1. What diet should I do? 2. Do I really need to detox? 3. What is autoimmune disease? 4. Are autoimmune diseases related? 5. Do my emotions effect my health?
Our panelist today are Holly Haag, Traci Hill, Kellie Alderton. While we were missing a few of our panelist this episode, we were able to invite a guest speaker Dee DiFatta. All of our panelists have overcome autoimmune diseases and are well educated in their fields. Holly Haag is a researcher, a leader, a healer that helps guide others to finding their homeostasis. You can contact Holly at thehealinghaul.com. Traci Hill is a subtle energy alchemist guiding you to heal yourself using frequencies. You can contact Traci at Consciousevolution.coach. Kellie Alderton is an MS lifestyle coach and Wellnessprenuer helping others on their own journey to whole body healing. You can contact Kellie at Kellie Green Alderton or Waking Up From MS Facebook pages. Lastly our guest speaker Dee Difatta an empowerment coach teaching people with autoimmune diseases how to see beyond their physical limitations to find purpose in their experiences. You can reach Dee at adoseofpositividee.com.
You can listen by clicking the link or going to Spotify or iTunes to The Healing Haul podcast.