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Electromagnetic Humans

Updated: May 8, 2023

As a child I use to look past the bars on my bedroom windows up into the night sky at the stars and moon wishing for my prince charming to come save me like the cartoon movies promised me. I often felt like Rapunzel stuck in a dungeon no one else could ever seem to reach to save me. I was conditioned into thinking that male energy was a saving energy even though, in my household that male energy was the one hurting me. It was no surprise to me years later I would marry the boy two houses down from me thinking he must have received my wishes. Energy travels and wishes are answered in their own timing. In water experiments and even plant experiments it has been shown that the energy within the elements reacts to energy given to it. An electric pulse of my desire to be saved was sent out into the world. One might assume that my wishes were not answered or received; I would strongly disagree.

Everything around us registers as energy, Nikola Tesla proves this in all of his research into frequencies. First a bacteria's frequency is registered for instance. If the frequencies of said bacteria is present, then it must be present is the thought process. Electromagnetic energy is all around us even in us as human beings. Lightening hits the ground rebalancing the earths negative electrons and positive protons. This recharges the earth like a battery, which then in turn recharges humans like a battery when we touch the earths floor. Their are so many electrical exchanges taking place all around us. The ones we see and mostly the interactions we do not see. So much of our lives is on autopilot. Get up, do the morning routine, drive to work, work, eat lunch, drive home, eat dinner, bedtime routine, go to bed, and start everything for the most part all over again tomorrow. The open days and spare time is filled in like white noise filling an open room. At what point do we focus inward or even outward at the people and energies around us on a daily basis. Or do we just get pulled into the magnetic wave of similarity that we forget to notice what is outside of this routine normalcy.

Does it really matter who touches the pants you just purchased? Does it matter who just cooked the food you are about to consume? What about the person pressing their hands into your body as they massage the layers beneath your skin? I believe we are all connected energetically. What about those magnetic attractions that are so dramatic we are drawn so strongly it feels like choice was taken out of the equation. I personally have made these types of encounters with several humans, animals, even bugs. It felt like I could never get close enough to them drawn in with a passion that ran throughout my entire body. It felt like an electrical pulsing with an euphoric energy attached to it I am sensitive to energy so when it is this magnetic, my entire being can feel it. This is often referred to as the "Spark" in a relationship. The feeling of needing to be with this person is greater than your common sense most of the time. All of our interactions have value no matter how insignificant we may rate them. While relationships might provide that "Spark" or deliver a dull tone you never want to hear again, what about our electrical energy to our own health?

Have you traced your digestion issues back like you would a lost pair of car keys? Retracing your steps until you find you left those dang keys in the refrigerator when you quickly went to grab your apple. This should also be how you trace your disease. If autoimmunity stems from leaky gut, then lets go back up the digestive track to its beginnings starting with the mouth. Like a check list start asking yourself these questions:

Do I have proper minerals and enzymes in my saliva?

Have I had any amalgam filling or root canals?

Have I ever had any teeth removed such as wisdom teeth, etc.?

Do I have gum disease?

Do I continue to use fluoride and store bought mouth rinses?

Do I have any permanent retainers in my mouth?

Do I have any metal dental implants?

These are some questions I would start asking myself if I had any type of disease especially an autoimmune disease. Where did it begin and how is my electrical system blocked?

Are the meridians or otherwise known as energy sources blocked in my mouth? A diagram of teeth meridians is easily found with a simple Google search into teeth meridians. These energy meridians reach to our organs connecting our teeth to the vital parts of our essence of self. Just as we would not put a metal fork into a light socket, why are we putting metal implants into our jaw bones electrical highway? They are now making ceramic implants so I ask, "Why, if the metal ones work?" Just because we do not want to lose the tooth or the finger or the foot, does not mean we should keep it. When your health then goes down the figurative toilet, but never is their the correlated thought the issue happened after blank... It is time to start correlating if you want to get your life back. Ask yourself, "What is blocking my electromagnetic energy?" Now if the cord has been fried it will not be as easy to rewire that same connection. I believe in a smart body and an even smarter God that made us to heal.

When it comes down to it disease is not a leaky gut problem, a bacteria problem, a virus problem, etc. Disease is an electrical problem and who do you hire when your electricity goes out, an electrician. Now the bodies electrician might be a Biological Dentist to get your infected root canal out or clean out the cavitation that came from the improper removal of a wisdom tooth. It might be a surgeon to help you replace your metal implants with ceramic ones. It might be the MS Gym to reroute your electrical connections from damaged or faulty wires. The Nervous Sytem is electrical so hire yourself the proper electrician. Health is eating the right foods, getting clean air and water, sleeping the correct amount, exercising, but it is also making sure your electrical system has a good connection. Humans are electromagnetic beings so to pretend we are not is dangerous to our overall health. How are you taking care of your electrical system and does it need an upgrade? Having a mouse in the attic can damage the wires. It is time to put out a mouse trap and replace what has been chewed.

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