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Artificial Sweeteners...Safe?

Updated: Jun 21, 2022

Artificial sweeteners were one of those "Hot Topics" I struggled to navigate through. Everyone wants their sweets, but at what cost? I am human so I finally got sick, which once in two years is not bad. I knew Xylitol broke down biofilms from researching Lyme disease. In order to get to those pesky spirochetes, you must first break down the protective biofilm they create around themselves. I thought nothing of purchasing a nasal spray containing Xylitol, because snot is mucous similar to a biofilm.

As we age our small intestines start to not bounce back like they use to. Our intestines are constantly being broken down and repaired some foods being harsher than others. The lining of the stomach that covers what is called, "Tight Junction' is made up of you guessed it, a mucous like layer! When you damage the Tight Junction enough large particles of food can get through. Your body is smart so it is on top of those foreign food invaders; sending out a clean up crew causing antibodies to now be formed to the food that got through the tight junction. Now an IGg response is formed to your favorite foods, causing your body distress every time you eat them a.k.a. food senstivities. I have been guilty of using these artificial sweeteners, because they came from plants I assumed they were a safe bet. In fact, they are still posted on my Facebook page,” Quick Five With Hol!” in the over 100 posted recipes under the #recipes section. Erythritol has been a great sub in baking. Stevia works great in coffee to sweeten or coconut cream for a quick plant based whip cream. Xylitol and Monk Fruit for a touch of sweet without the insulin spike. Here is the thing I want everyone to start thinking about. If you have a product that uses the same ingredient to break down snot/mucous then also saying it is "safe" for consumption; is it really safe though? I am positive marketing wise the industries at bay do not want any of us to connect the dots. If you have not connected them already, due to brain fog here it is. Snot/mucous, biofilm, small intestinal lining also made from a mucous like substance. Personally when companies do stuff like this, I feel like they are laughing out loud at our ignorance. When greed is met with a sweet tooth, the stomach lining becomes a causality. A better option for that occasional treat: 100% localized raw honey, 100% pure organic maple syrup, 100% organic agave nectar, or just juice a sweet living apple with live enzymes. Are you willing to sacrifice your gut lining and favorite foods? Personally, I am not!

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