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A Twist With “The Law Of Attraction”

I have been having deep thoughts and breakthroughs as I push my body yet again through another protocol. As my body reaches deep( as a survival mechanism), it releases my ever expanding minds thoughts. Today I had one of the moments that completely changed my perspective on life on the basic survival techniques we have ALL been teaching to not only the people around us, but also to our children. I am going to try to translate these thoughts into meaningful words typed here before all that read this. First, maybe I should define "The Law Of Attraction" for those not familiar with the term. "The Law Of Attraction" simplified basically states that whatever you put out into the world, you will get back to you.

Today I was on my way to pick up an item I saw on Marketplace for my husband and children. I was on the phone with my husband, when he cautioned me even questioned my going without him. I told him I would be fine. If perhaps the neighborhood looked shady I would simply drive past it. Like a sudden flash of light I was deep in thought on safety. I understand why we teach history. Learning from our mistakes or learning from great successes makes sense to most of us. I know exactly why I caution my children to stay away from the street or look out for "bad" people! Here is the thing that blew my mind though. Are we collectively all manifesting trauma? Everytime we warn another of danger maybe even explain how it could happen to help prevent it from happening in the first place. Saying words such as, "Drive safely" would simply manifest a safer driver. On the contrary saying statements such as, "Be careful do not go home with strangers" could be turning our focus on alertness and danger. Still manifesting the idea to be careful so we are exactly that, careful.

Some propose we as a societal whole have progressed to better times. While others propose we have left the "Good times" behind us. Is there a happy medium here? Well I am not sure, I will let you be the critical thinker here. Simpler times do sound amazing in a seemingly chaotic world. While technology allows me the ability to type my thoughts and send it all over the entire world to those fortunate enough to have access to internet. Leaving my house unlocked at night or chosing to fall asleep on my trampoline under the stars both seem like lovely ideals; however, in todays world I just would not feel safe. Ordering whatever I desire in todays world then having it brought to my doorstep the next day is beyond exciting. Farming all day, taking care of all the Live Stocks needs to then have to wash, cook, clean after a hard day of work seems revolvingly repetitive and exhausting. I have to wonder if annual vacations were even an option to the "Everyday is a work day" type. The old idea that hard work equaled large rewards comes to mind. In todays world however, food can be ordered, dilivered to my front door, eaten all within a forty minute time frame. Delivery sure seems better than hard work and exhaustion! Mail was slow now it is faster. Phones were connected to walls now they are mobile. Dinner was made by your family now it is made by strangers. Saftey was not an alarming concern now it is on every news station multiple times a day. Again did we manifest collectively alarm, safety concerns, with a side of intrusive thoughts. I completely understand as a past victim myself why we would caution those we cared about, but have we taken it in some twisty way too far past what we all collectively wanted? Let me try to explain this here.

For example, everyday you watch the news and everyday they are talking about child molesters, theft, and chaos. The news shared this with thousands upon thousands of people. Those thousands upon thousands of people start talking about child molesters, theft, and chaos that night. Then those thousands upon thousands of of people share the next day to all the people that might have missed the the news excitement to help fill them in. Today we not only here about all the "bad" things that happen in our city, we hear about all the "bad" things happening in our country and other countries. As if knowing this information really makes an impact on the majority. I am not trying to be insensitive to the hard realities that exist in today's world! I am just asking us all to take a step back to think about the power we are giving to it. Back in what is claimed "The Old Days", was crime really this rampant with the need of bolts, safety lessons, and armor? Were daily reminders of danger needed to keep the people staying safe? My guess is a restounding, nope! Back then the tools nor means to manifest such destruction were not in place to do so. The farmer lived the farmers life doors open with peaceful safety in the nights sky. Now I know a lot of you are thinking I am over thinking this, but I do not think so. If you believe in manisfestation, then I have to be shining a light on a current day issue of a global manifestation. I have not even truly revealed the twist so here it is.

We teach our children about safety. We have classes specifically for women, the easily preyed on classified, the formerly abused, and currently being battered. Saftey is drilled into school aged children with drills for natural disasters, violent attacks, and if you see something do something type of mantras. Have any of you ever pointed out the "kind" person at the store to your children or just the "creepy" ones. Now I just had this resolution so I am no different from the masses here. I always point out the "creepy" dude to help alert my children to possible threats and dangers. The man that gets a little to close or has locked eyes on my children is concerning always! So many times we remove ourselves from the equation of the uncomfortable truths. I will ask again, "Are we collectively all manifesting trauma?" A perspective I absolutely dispise typing on this page comes to mind. As a past victim myself I type these words with compassion so please take them gently. Most victims know if they have had any therapy that they are now at a higher risk for revictimization. Now this is not to say they manifested or are responsible ever for someone elses egregious acts against them! I would never claim those words. What I am saying is one day you lived as you, the next day you lived labeled, identified, maybe even shamed as a victim. Now that you own that label or badge where your name tag once hung, are you manifesting in that victim state of mind? Could this be why we are likely to be revictimized? I know I was a victim more than once. I was stuck with a new name tag that was not my own. I am not blaming myself or saying that I wished to be a repeated victim so I hope this message is being well translated by the readers. I am saying did we take on a title we thought about everyday since we lost our original name tag? That then set us up to attract new unwanted guests. In the idea of Law Of Attraction I have to believe this is a huge reason why revictimization happens. How would anyone ever tell a victim this information though? I mean how can you deliver this idea without sounding like they are somehow at fault or have shared blaim in future attacks. I do not have the answers to solve this type of global issue of misguided energy. I only have the idea that when you teach your loved ones how to pick out the "bad" guys you also show them how to pick out the "good" ones. Manifesting works both ways! Lastly, maybe try to replace the labels you are wearing and search deep for that name tag you were meant to wear. I always disliked those temporary sticker type name tags anyways. They were meant to be thrown away. Who you actually identify as, that name tag was never meant to be lost! With much love myboutside of the box critical thinkers. This was written for you.

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